How to Propagate a Pothos Plant

Propagate a Pothos Plant
Pothos plants are popular and easy to care for house plants that can easily be cut and repotted into new pothos plants. Learn how to propagate a phothos and share some plant love!
If you are just getting into house plants it is easy to start spending hundreds of dollars on plants, pots, and soil. Your journey into plant parenthood doesn’t need to be super expensive.
Do you have a friend that has a pothos plant already? Or did you know you can purchase a single plant and propagate others from it? Either way, you can easily grow your houseplant collection with propagating a pothos plant.
The Pothos Plant

Pothos plants are a popular houseplant for a good reason. They are incredibly easy to care for. If you are someone who has found your succulents dried and dead in the past, like me, give yourself a shot with a pothos plant.
If you don’t have any incredibly bright windows or maybe you’re not great at watering consistently, the pothos plant will forgive you and continue to live its best life.
The stems vine out as it grows, which makes the pothos plant perfect for hanging baskets or on a high shelf where the trailing leaves will hang. It can also be trained to grow upwards on support, like a trellis or pole.
Pothos plants also come in a variety of different sub species. Some have gorgeous variegated leaves.
They are one of the best plants for removing VOCs and toxins. Who wouldn’t want to breathe more clean air?
What does it mean to propagate?

You can grow new plants in two ways: planting seeds and propagating.
Planting seeds can take awhile and it is difficult to find some seeds. Have you ever seen seeds for succulents? Probably not. It’s much easier to propagate them.
Propagating is when you take a clipping off of a healthy mature plant and it sprouts its own roots to be replanted as a new plant.
There are different methods to propagate plants. Some do better if laid on top of soil, like succulents and others can be propagated just in water. Some plants do better with a rooting hormone and others aren’t as finicky.
If you are new to propagating, the pothos plant is a great first plant to try! It is easy and you don’t need any fancy supplies.
How to Propagate a Pothos

- Trim a 4-6 inch length of stem with at least four leaves from a healthy well established pothos plant.
- Place the cut end of the stem into a small glass of water. Be sure that none of the leaves are touching the water.
- Keep your pothos cutting in a place with plenty of light, but not direct sun.
- Replace the water and clean out the glass every week.
- After about a month, little roots should begin to appear. At this point you can plant the pothos into soil.

Pothos Maintenance

One of the best house plants are pothos. They are forgiving and easier to care for. They can do okay in low light and if you forget to water them they won’t wilt and die overnight.
There are still some things to take into consideration, to make sure your pothos plant thrives.
Light: bright indirect light. Can survive in low indirect light, but really doesn’t do well in direct sun. (Plants can get “sunburned” just like us!)
Water: every 1-2 weeks. Soil should dry out between waterings. (Wilty leaves = needs more water. Yellow leaves & black stems = overwatered)